Little Rock Arkansas
Nov 20th 1863
Dear Brother
I once more
enjoy the blessing of answer
ing your letter which
came to hand yestarday
I was verry glad to hear
that you was well and
enjoying your self as a
souldier ought to do.
well Jasper I dont
know where I have
anything to tell you
that will be of any
importance. I believe
the army is in as good
health now as they every
was known for one thing
It is a healthy place
I am on the mend
now but I ant [ain't?] so that
I can do any duty yet
I have been down so
long that I have
taken the swelling in
in my legs, we have all
got our winter quarters
fix up in stile, we
made us log houses and
dob them with mud
so that no freeze
can get in, Uncle
George Wellman was down
here last week after
Gervis. he took him
home but I dont know
when he gets home
with him a live or
not for he was verry
poorly, he got his dis-
charge by the assistance
of his father George was
a little supprised to find
us both here together
and find so many
of his old acquantiance
here to gether, he diden
bring any news of mutch
importance he said
that he was down to
our house before he
started down here &
he said that they were
all well I suposed
that you have heard
that Grand Mother
was dead & James Dowl
and I did hear that
Ben Crane was dead
I got a letter from
George and he said
that Milton Nolan
and Josepene Davis was
maried and liveing on
Marcas Camers place
and that Mark was
living on Wm. Holling
worth place
Geonig [George?], Fonca
nnon he took Sick a
bout the midle of June
and he was sent up to
St Louis and he has been
there every since but
I guess they have put
him in the Invalet
Corps, there where they
send all sick that ant
able to do duty in there
Regiments I expect verry
likely there where I will
have to go untill I get
Completely well
well I dont know where
I have anything more
to write for the pesent
I would like to wrte more
but my paper is short so I
will have to leave it for you
to make out the Ballanse
write soon from your Brother
J. C Andrews