Thursday  March 5th  1863  John C. Andrew
Dear brother  I imbrace the opportunity of answering
your letter which I received last friday.  I am glad to hear
that you are all well with the forked end down [probably an idiom for “everything good”]
we are about all well, except Henry and Joseph
they have had the measels but they are about well
again.  you wrote that you heard that Jasper
had Sold his corn at 11 cts a bushel. but
he has not done it.  but I guess he is going to let
Jim Andrews wife have 200 bushels.  but he aint a
going to let her have it at 11 cts.  Corn is worth 50 cts
a bushel and wheat $1.15 cts per bushel.  the prices
of other Stuff is about the Same as it has been
well I don’t know as I have anything very important
to write  we heard that there was a call for Six
hundred thousand men  but I think if they get
that many it will take us all  if they do
they will have to Starve for there will be no body
to raise provision for them.  You said you wer the
Sunday before you wrote your last letter that you was
buring dead horses  I think if you was at home
you would be tearing a round with Some of the
Girls  besides burying dead horses on Sunday.
well I don’t know as I have much more to write
I have had two little Sleighrides this winter but
I had to ride in the mud part of the time
Mother Said She was glad that you Could make
biscuits and that you had them to make
I got a  letter from Jasper he is well  he is at Nashville
he Said he Seen Milton Nolan  David Price is at
New Albany. Ind. we heard from him a bout a
week a go he is at the point of death Mr. Price has
gone after him  but he has not got back yet
we don’t know. whether his is dead or not
well I guess I must bring my letter to a
Close  you must excuse my bad writing and Spelling
you must write as soon as you Can
   my love is for you all  So no more at present
              your affectionate brother
              George W Andrews to John C Andrews
   you may Send as many letters as you please
       we will pay the postage